Email Advisory

Welcome to the email advisory section. You can ask questions or save a draft inquiry. Under "Read Response," you will get an overview of all responses from the advisory team. Please note that for the advisory to take place in an encrypted manner, you need a display name and a password.

Secure Email Advisory

Write us your questions via an encrypted connection. You will receive a response to your initial inquiry within two business days. You can write to us in German, French, English, or Spanish.

Rates and Conditions

  • A flat fee of CHF 30.00 will be charged for the initial inquiry.
  • All subsequent inquiries will be invoiced according to prior agreement (CHF 30/15 minutes).
  • We will send you our account details along with our response, and you have 10 days to settle the invoice. You can also pay via Twint.
Submit Inquiry

Bitte beachten Sie auch, damit die Beratung verschlüsselt stattfinden kann, benötigen Sie einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort.