
Zone35 aims to make this website accessible according to the guidelines of BITV. This declaration refers to 05.04.2023.

Which areas are not accessible?

The website is largely compatible with the requirements of BITV and WCAG 2.1. The areas that are not accessible are

-Appointment calendar:

Unfortunately, the calendar currently in use cannot be operated with a keyboard.

-Booking an appointment:

If you book an appointment before you have logged in, the appointment is reserved for a limited time until you have registered or logged in. The user has a limited time to register or log in and this time cannot be extended, which violates BITV If you register first and then book an appointment, you avoid this barrier.

-Background images:

Background images are integrated via the <style> tag in the element, which technically violates HTML syntax and therefore BITV It is not expected that this will have a negative consequence for users of the website, because background images as decorative graphics would have received an empty alt text according to BITV


The instant chat is not barrier-free.


Videos are not accessible but are not used at this time (05/04/2023).

What help is offered?

-Contrast switch:

The contrast switch darkens the colour of the orange tile and the blue secondary colour in backgrounds and fonts.